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Think there’s a chance you’re pregnant? You’re likely feeling all the feels right now, but there are steps you can take to find clarity.

While taking a pregnancy test and following up with an ultrasound are the only definitive ways to confirm a pregnancy, there are also early symptoms you can look out for that may indicate you’re pregnant.

Early Signs of Pregnancy

During pregnancy, your body becomes flooded with a unique mix of hormones that can cause various symptoms, including:

1. Missed period: One of the earliest and most significant signs of early pregnancy is a missed menstrual period. If your cycles are regular and your period is late, it may be time to take a pregnancy test. However, missed periods can also result from stress, hormonal imbalances, or other health conditions.

2. Nausea with/without vomiting: Nausea, often referred to as morning sickness, is a common early pregnancy symptom. It can occur at any time of the day and may or may not be accompanied by vomiting. This symptom typically begins around the sixth week of pregnancy and is believed to be linked to rising hormone levels. For some women, it may last throughout pregnancy.

3. Breast changes: Early pregnancy often brings changes to the breasts. You may notice tenderness, swelling, or increased sensitivity. The areolas (the area around the nipples) might also darken and enlarge. These changes are due to hormonal shifts preparing the body for breastfeeding.

4. Fatigue: Feeling unusually tired is another common early sign of pregnancy. The body undergoes significant changes to support the growing pregnancy, and increased levels of the hormone progesterone can cause sleepiness and fatigue.

5. Frequent urination: During pregnancy, your body’s blood volume increases, which causes your kidneys to work harder and produce more urine. If you notice that you’re running to the bathroom more than usual, you might be pregnant.

6. Food aversions and cravings: Pregnancy can alter your sense of taste and smell, leading to food aversions or cravings. Certain foods may suddenly seem appealing, while foods that were normally your favorite may now seem disgusting.

7. Mood swings: The hormonal fluctuations during early pregnancy can affect your mood, causing irritability, anxiety, or emotional sensitivity. Feeling like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster? This could indicate pregnancy, especially if this symptom is accompanied by other early pregnancy signs.

This list isn’t exhaustive. It’s important to note that not every woman feels every symptom, and other health conditions can mimic those of early pregnancy. This is why if you’re experiencing any early pregnancy symptoms, it’s essential to take a pregnancy test to get answers.

We’re here for you

At Alpha Pregnancy Center, we offer free, medical-grade pregnancy testing with results that are administered by a nurse. If your result is positive, our nurse will also discuss following up with a limited ultrasound.

We understand what you’re going through, and you’re not alone in this. We’re here for you.

“They really asked ‘what do I need to help support me.’ This was my very first safe place.”
-Alpha Pregnancy Center Client

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